Can You Make Cappuccino With Lungo?

While it’s technically possible to make a cappuccino with lungo, it’s not traditional and it would not have the same balance of flavors as a cappuccino made with espresso. Lungo is a type of coffee that is made by pulling a longer shot of espresso, which results in a less concentrated and more diluted flavor.

Do I Use Espresso Or Lungo For Cappuccino?

Espresso is traditionally used to make cappuccino. Lungo, which is a longer shot of espresso, would result in a less concentrated and more diluted flavor which would not be typical of a cappuccino.

How Do I Make Cappuccino With Lungo?

To make a cappuccino with lungo, you would need to pull a lungo shot, then add steamed milk and milk foam on top. However, as mentioned earlier, it’s not traditional and the balance of flavors would not be the same as a cappuccino made with espresso. It’s also not recommended to make cappuccino with lungo, as it will not give the same rich, bold and balanced taste which is the signature of cappuccino.